Discover new convenience

We created HowBusy as a response to the COVID19 pandemic. We wanted to support communities worldwide by providing shoppers the most updated information about store crowds and the best times to visit local grocery stores.

We wanted to make the experience of millions of daily shoppers more convenient. Recent events have shown how important it is to avoid crowded places to stay safe and healthy.

HowBusy helps you figure out the best times to visit stores nearby and see if the store you plan to visit is too crowded at the moment.

Try for yourself!

Discover new convenience

We created HowBusy as a response to the COVID19 pandemic. We wanted to support communities worldwide by providing shoppers the most updated information about store crowds and the best times to visit local grocery stores.

We wanted to make the experience of millions of daily shoppers more convenient. Recent events have shown how important it is to avoid crowded places to stay safe and healthy.

HowBusy helps you figure out the best times to visit stores nearby and see if the store you plan to visit is too crowded at the moment.

Try for yourself!

HowBusy Team

how-busy team Anita
Anita Alkhimovich

how-busy team Alan
Alan Zhang

HowBusy Team

how-busy team Anita
Anita Alkhimovich

how-busy team Alan
Alan Zhang